Occupational Health
Occupational health is that part of the psychological field, which focuses on the overall wellbeing of employees – both mentally and physically. Occupational or Organizational Psychology and health services in that relation assure the health and safety of the employees while at work and manage to prevent any risks in the workplace that are probable factors for work-related issues.
Research shows that 1 in 10 employees struggles with mental-health related issues whilst at the workplace, therefore decreasing their performance and mental capacity to keep up with the pace of work. Furthermore, global research performed by WHO shows that on a yearly basis more than 150 million days are lost due to sickness absence (caused by physical and mental factors of the environment).
Work-home interference (WHI) is one of the most common issues that provokes disturbances in employees. WHI can be described as “an employee’s functioning is hampered or disturbed by the demands from the work domain, therefore leaving less time or causing neglect over the home domain”. WHI can be both time-based (time devoted to work obligations makes it impossible to meet obligations in the private domain) or role-based (specific behaviour that is expected at work is incompatible with the behaviour that is expected at home).
Job demands vs. Job resources (JDR) inconsistencies is the other common issue looked by occupational specialists. Job demands depict any physical, psychological, social, or organizational aspects of the job that require sustained physical and cognitive effort of skills. Job resources, on the other hand, represent physical, psychological, social, or organizational aspects of the job that are functional in achieving work goals, reducing job demands and the associated costs. They stimulate personal growth and development.
By applying occupational health strategies and advices into the practices of your company, you minimize the risks for your employees and broaden the talent pool and possibilities for development of the people within the company. The abovementioned insights are only few of the many factors that can affect the wellbeing of your people. Luckily, there are even more strategies to overcome them with the help of our specialists.
Our programs are trusted and had proved to result in improved employee wellbeing, retention of people and development of the unique skillset of each person. Get in touch today.