Low Self-Esteem & Social Withdrawal
Self-esteem is a way a person feels about themselves. A person with low self-esteem generally feels worthless and that they have little to contribute. Social withdrawal is fear of people or social situations. Shyness becomes a problem when it interferes with relationships with others, in social situations, or other aspects of a child’s life.
The development of relationships and feelings of self-esteem starts very early in life. As children grow older, they will go through numerous changes. Puberty and hormonal shifts often lead to many teenagers feeling insecure about their bodies and themselves. On top of these bodily changes, teenagers also face social changes, new emotions, and much more.
About 75% of teenagers with low self-esteem reported engaging in negative activities like cutting, bullying, smoking, drinking, or disordered eating.
Children and adolescents with low self-esteem:
- are self-critical and hard on themselves
- feel they’re not as good as their peers
- think of the times they fail rather than when they succeed
- lack confidence
- doubt they can do things well
- tend to avoid new and different situations.
- put themselves down – “I’m stupid” or “I won’t be able to do that” (before they’ve tried).
Socially withdrawn children and adolescents may be showing signs of depression. While it is normal for a child to begin to pull away from their parents and identify more with peers as they reach adolescence, social withdrawal from friends and peers may be a sign of something more serious.
Low levels of Self-Esteem may impact a young people’s relationships, communication, personal effectiveness and ability to reach their fullest potential. Scientific studies show over and over the relationship between not having sufficient self-esteem and threats like:
- Being Insecure
- Procrastination
- Frustration
- Worrying
- Anger
- Bullying
- Depression
- Fear
Many other situations including abuse, addictions and school drop outs are also strongly linked to having low self-esteem.
Love, praise and encouragement are essential elements in helping children develop positive self-esteem and cope with social withdrawal. Our specialists help children and adolescents become confident, self-assured and to believe in themselves, by resolving their anxieties, worries, low self-esteem, while dealing with any anger issues.