Work-life Balance Counselling
Work-life balance (WLB), or also formerly defined as work-family balance, is intersection of one’s time and focus between the work-related activities and the ones related to family or leisure. A healthy WLB can be described in multiple ways or mean different things to all of us. It is also not even about splitting your time in 50/50 ratio. However, what is means for sure is that you as a human being feel fulfilled and content in both areas of your life, without compromising time from one to the other.
The view that work–life balance is drawn from an individual’s multiple life roles derives from the early recognition that non-work (family or personal) demands may carry over into the working day and adversely influence individual health and performance at work.
About 71%: Work-life has always been a concern of those in interest in the quality of working life and its relation to broader quality of life.
Researches from the Journal of Management & Organization, have come to defining the variative of WLB in the following ways:
- Work-life balance defined as multiple roles
- Work-life balance defined as equity across multiple roles
- Work-life balance defined as satisfaction between multiple roles
- Work-life balance defined as a fulfilment of role salience between multiple roles
- Work-life balance defined as a relationship between conflict and facilitation
It can be easy to normalize work behaviours that are out of the norm just because we do them for a prolonged period of time. However, by making those behaviours prevalent, it can have long-term consequences. Therefore, working with an organizational psychologist in the direction of maintaining good work-life balance designed for your personal needs, it can have a vast improvement on the quality of your life.
It is not always possible to make direct changes at work, but you can always start with yourself and work the other way around.
– Pause: Ask yourself what is currently causing me stress or unhappiness?
– Pay attention to your feelings.
– Reprioritize: Think about what needs to change and trust a counsellor to help you.
– Consider your alternatives.